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The Lanyang Dancers

“Life creates art, and art enriches life.” Taiwan possesses a multifaceted culture, as well as a plethora of themes and topics which originated from a loving study of traditional art. In 1966 the Reverend Father Michelini established and founded “The Lanyang Dancers”, in order not only to preserve but also propagate the living spirit and essence of the folk dance. By making life and culture in Taiwan the subject matter, an overall creation and amalgamation of dances were fashioned in a widely diverse range, which endowed the folk dance with a new lease of life. A positive step not only in the continued propagation of tradition, but a new creative revival of culture and the arts, so that aesthetic education could become widespread and serve as the roots of human culture. Not only every corner of Taiwan, but every stage and platform of the entire world, held the wrap attention of its audiences, riveted as they were by the spellbinding beauty of movement, action, and posture. During more than thirty public performances abroad, they left their footsteps behind in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa. They continued to regale their onlookers, with no spot in the entire globe regarded as too distant or remote. Add: No.189, Sec. 1, Beicheng Rd., Luodong Township, Yilan County 265, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: 03-9511161
Fax: 03-9511786

The Lanyang Dancers
